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  • Writer's pictureJason Richardson Albini

How To Design A 8 Week Group Fitness Class Program

When it comes to coaching a group hiit workout or dumbbell/kettlebell workout, it's ok to do the same workouts as long you spread them out. Think 8 week programs. For example, I teach one group workout a week. I write up 4 different group workouts for that group that are numbered 1-4. We'll do workout number 1 on the first week and 5th week, workout number 2 on the second week and 6th week, so on and so forth. Then I'll create a new set of 4 workouts to complete over an 8 week period. In a year, that's about 6 programs to write up and a total of 24 different workouts. Every workout is full body. In my opinion, that's the best way to train a group class because it covers everything especially when you're working with people that come at random or participate in other classes throughout the week. I mostly do 5 supersets during an entire class. 40 seconds of work 10-20 seconds of rest for 3 rounds. Core workouts are spread throughout the workout. If I were coaching 3 classes a week with the same group of people, I'd do the same thing. I would write up 3 different full body workouts for that week. Repeat them for the next 8 weeks. Be creative and intentional and you'll never run of workouts to write up. Think agility, mobility, rep ranges, number of rounds, pyramid counting, duration of rounds, single arm/leg, double arm/leg, isometric (static), plyometrics, upperbody, lower body, back muscles, carries, swings, push, pull, combining movements, circuits. Keep your workouts and programs lean. Your clients won't get bored with repeating a workout and will appreciate another chance at getting familiar with sets and movements. This allows them to see how well they do the second time around. Also every exercise and workout doesn't have to be about burning them out and torching their muscles. A mobility set is not only functional and different, but necessary. It doesn't burn calories, but the client will recognize the benefits right away because of how it feels. Clients want to be lead and have a great experience over anything. Take care of them and teach from the heart. A good workout and lots of smiles will be the result of that.

Thanks for reading!

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