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  • Writer's pictureJason Richardson Albini

Someone Else's Wins Doesn't Lessen Yours

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

When it comes to fitness, we have goals and things we want to accomplish. We can be working towards weight loss, muscle gain, or even consistency. Maybe we have made progress or maybe some of us have slowed down on our journey, but here's what's important to remember; your journey is yours and no one else's. Your wins and even your losses are yours to own and not compare to others.

It's very easy to scroll on the internet and see tons of different results and fitness goals that people have accomplished and it can be easy to think that their wins are better than yours. That's not true. Someone else's wins doesn't lessens yours.

I'm all for pulling motivation from other people and being inspired from the work they have put in, but you really have to get silent and focused on yourself more often. At the end of the day, the work we put in or haven't put in is going to boil down to just us. Ourselves.

Even while being consistent, sometimes people don't notice that they are doing better than they realize which can then to lead to impatience. The lack of patience then creates unnecessary comparisons to other people's progress.

A popular comparison people can make is the one where they compare how fast someone was able to lose weight. This can get people in a bad mental funk and super unfocused or discouraged.

We have to remember, we don't know what those people did to get there necessarily or what they had to overcome, but we do know about ourselves. We aren't living their goals or their process. We are living our own.

Your fitness journey is going to be different. The story you're writing and the goals that you go for are what make you unique. Each step that we take along the way and how we embark on our way to the wins are special.

If you lost 3 pounds in a month and someone lost 8, don't feel down! You should be pumped and acknowledge how amazing that is! 3 pounds is a huge win. If you didn't lose weight, but for the first time ever you were able complete a month of consistently working out 3 days a week, be excited! That's a huge win and progress as well!

Don't think because someone with the six pack or is getting a certain result is doing "better" than you based on what you make up in your head.

Hope this article resonates with you or someone who needs to get over the comparison trap.

For more fitness and mindset conversations, please visit my podcast "Kickin It With Jason" on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, please share with a friend or a colleague.

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