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  • Writer's pictureJason Richardson Albini

6am Pen and Pad Session #2 - Self Awareness For My Strengths and Weaknesses

Someone from my text community asked me if I could talk about expanded consciousness for my 6am Pen and Pad Session today. To me, that's another way of saying self awareness so I'll speak on it from this angle. Self awareness is knowing what our strengths are. Being ourselves. Being super connected to what we're good at and also even knowing what our short comings are. It's a never ending mental building game. We are all good at something and we are all bad at something. Tapping into the things we are good at is where I believe and have personally found the most happiness and clarity in. I did that my entire sport karate career. From age 8 to 20. My strengths: hand speed, timing, defense, tempo, quickness, movement. My weaknesses: kicking, flexibility, sometimes too passive, sometimes too stationary. If I'm self aware to what I'm naturally good at or have great skills in, I can bet on myself in that area in a majorly confident way. On the other side of that, if I'm bad at something, it just means I'm human. No surprise there. It's a part of life. I haven't met a single person yet and there's not even a person that exist that is good at every single thing. Self-awareness is being able to accept our weaknesses while focusing all of our attention on our strengths. To that point, that almost makes doing things a lot more simple in all areas of life I would say. The basic fundamentals/principles have to be there no matter what; kindness, respect, gratitude, hardwork, honesty, patience, love, etc, but all in all I would say if I'm self aware in how I do my best and what makes me my best, confidence and direction usually follows. I can be myself and people can sense that. I think that's what has allowed me to be better and better at training, communicating, my relationships, my ideas and actions. I think that's why I can allow people to feel safe around me. It's why I'm extremely good at meeting and talking to people. That safe part is interesting because when people feel safe I can also get honest feedback on what people sense or see what I'm good at or bad at. Then from there it's up to me to apply what feedback actually works for me and doesn't work for me. Also, for them, being safe around me also means they can be themselves around me. I'm always trying to be self aware to who I am and don't try to be someone I'm not. I can only be me. I'm far from perfect even in that sense, but I love that as I grow up, I'm a lot more intent in who I am and what I love as I pursue fitness, sportscards, brand, and build my podcast.

Thanks for reading!

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