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  • Writer's pictureJason Richardson Albini

6am Pen and Pad Session #3 - How I Stay Unique In A Noisy, Saturated, Competitive Fitness World

I can't speak for everyone, but here's what I do.

The uniqueness part is very easy. No need to overthink this really. Being unique is achieved by simply being myself. That's it. What makes every human different, let alone a trainer is our character and mannerisms that come natural to us.

When I train and run my kickboxing sessions and I'm speaking to clients, I'm using my own voice and my own style. I don't try to be a trainer I'm not. I stay in my lane. I remain Jason every single session.

Then you have skills and talent. Overtime, I get better and learn more about fitness and how to make a workout or communication more effective, but you better believe I'm not trying to do that overnight. I let that come day by day. I layer my skills and knowledge piece by piece everyday which then adds to my uniqueness because I have a well equiped and in depth tool kit.

I'm a much better trainer at age 29 than I was at 25. That will be the same for when I turn 35 too.

Another way to stay unique is consistency. Consistent in what? Content and training. All I do each and everyday is make content around my profession and train/exercise.

I'm really good at making content and distributing 80-100 post a day between TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, and Youtube. You know who isn't good at that? My competition. Most and just about all of them aren't posting enough.

There's millions of free information and free content on the internet around fitness. It's loud and noisy in the fitness world. You really have no choice, but to be yourself. There's no new "workout" or fitness secrets.

The difference between how one trainer talks about a squat compared to me really boils down to who is saying it and how. I can actually post about the same exercise that has been said and talked about a bazillion times because when I say it, it's still truth, educational, and it's coming from me.

And don't push sales through your content. Just focus on educating, entertaining, and fun. Brand brand brand. Brand leads to sales.

Do you need to know who your target audience is? That certainly helps. I'm not trying to be a trainer to everybody and not everybody would want me as their trainer. That's the truth. No trainer is the right trainer for everyone. That doesn't exist.

I don't train in powerlifting, olympic lifting, yoga, dietitian science, or zumba. I train in strength training and kickboxing. I know myself. I know my craft. All of my awesome clients who decide to train with me understand that and that's what they like. I adjust when needed, but the main entree is solid and predictable in what I do and what my clients want.

So that's how I break it down. Be yourself, skill and talent, content, and know your lane.

Thanks for reading!

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